
What Happens Now? Preparing Your Pet for Life After COVID-19

As we emerge from a year of uncertainty, we look forward to a post-pandemic world- getting back to a daily routine, and in some cases modifying our routines to accommodate changes in our lifestyle. This past year had us working and learning from home, missing important check-ups here and there, and maybe gaining an extra pound or two. The same goes for our pets. Their world changed just as much as ours. Here are some helpful tips to ease their transition into this “new normal.”

By |2021-08-17T09:20:25-05:00July 14th, 2021|

Featured Adoptable Pet: Alice

Two-year-old, Pittie mix Alice was late in her pregnancy and left to fend for herself in a house in Georgia, while her body struggled to nourish the large litter of pups she carried inside her. It was a life-threatening time for her to be abandoned. Thanks to the compassion from her neighbors, Alice had food for four days. Once these kind strangers realized that no one was coming back for her, they called Animal Control, and it was in the nick of time.

By |2021-08-24T09:41:18-05:00July 14th, 2021|

In the Good Old Summertime?

Summertime is supposed to be a season of fun in the sun and lazy days with lots of time to do all the things you love, like reading, walking on the beach, and gardening…or just plain doing nothing at all. But for people dedicated to animal rescue, summer can be frustrating and heartbreaking. Let me begin with Independence Day!

By |2021-08-17T09:08:40-05:00July 13th, 2021|

Featured Adoptable Pet: Aja

First thing you might notice about four-year-old Calico Aja is her beauty, but make no mistake. Aja has the fight to survive. Rescued from homelessness in West Virginia, this stunning cat was pregnant when she arrived to us. We didn’t know how critical being in the safety of Animal League America’s Nursery would be for her. Aja’s delivery was complicated when one of her six kittens became stuck in her birth canal.

By |2021-08-17T08:22:14-05:00July 7th, 2021|

Chihuahuas Rescued From House of Horror

Recently, North Shore Animal League America took part in a rescue that saved more than 150 dogs from an extreme hoarding situation in Tennessee. Shelter partner Rescue DOG (Mountain City, TN) led the mission in lifting the dogs – primarily Chihuahuas of varying ages — out of unfathomable living conditions.

By |2021-07-01T11:33:08-05:00July 1st, 2021|

DOGTV Presents Your Dog’s New Normal: Navigating Life After Quarantine

DOGTV is bringing the dog community together to help navigate your dog’s new normal and prevent post-COVID dog separation anxiety. Veterinarians, behaviorists, lifestyle experts, and pet service providers all joined the conversation, including North Shore Animal League America’s own Sylvia Ottaka, Senior Director of Rescue and Community Outreach, and Sean Patrick Malloy, Shelter Operations Manager, who share their knowledge and experience in rescuing, caring for, and adopting pets.

By |2021-07-15T10:08:26-05:00June 16th, 2021|

North Country Initiative: Giving Hope to the Helpless

The mission of North Shore Animal League America to rescue, nurture, adopt, and educate is saving lives every day in the Adirondack region through the establishment and operation of North Country Initiative (NCI) — a no-kill adoption center in Warren County, NY. The NCI Adirondack Region Cat Adoption Center offers protection for felines in need, whether they are struggling to survive outside, or victims of injury or neglect.

By |2021-07-14T09:48:21-05:00June 15th, 2021|

The Sweet Art of Fostering

If you Google the topic, some sites say that May is National Pet Foster Month, while others say its June, which also happens to be Adopt a Shelter Cat Month. None of this really matters, because for people who love to share the love, calendars are irrelevant. So with kitten season in full swing and shelters bursting with cats of all ages, this is a perfect moment to talk about fostering homeless cats and kittens, a topic that makes my heart full and hopeful.

By |2021-07-14T09:55:47-05:00June 15th, 2021|

Building a Better Pet Health Centers

At North Shore Animal League America’s Pet Health Centers, we strive to provide the highest quality medical care in an environment that is safe and comfortable for our clients, our staff, and most importantly for the animals in our care. That is why we will soon be undergoing a renovation to our Alex and Elisabeth Lewyt Veterinary Medical Center, located at 16 Lewyt Street on our Port Washington, NY campus.

By |2021-06-17T15:08:06-05:00May 25th, 2021|

Puppy Mill Dogs Find New Life at Animal League America

On Saturday, May 15, 48 dogs and two puppies rescued from commercial breeders in the Midwest arrived to our Port Washington, NY campus. As one-by-one, a variety of dogs — including many Poodles, Pomeranians, Dachshunds, Shih Tzus, and Yorkies — made their way into the gentle hands of our volunteers to be carried inside, you could see a common feature in all their faces. They were ready to accept a tender touch. Whether shy, or confidently seeking attention, it was clear each dog was grateful for the kindness and compassion we were there to give.

By |2021-05-18T09:26:54-05:00May 17th, 2021|
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