Featured Pets

Featured Adoptable Pet: Alice

Two-year-old, Pittie mix Alice was late in her pregnancy and left to fend for herself in a house in Georgia, while her body struggled to nourish the large litter of pups she carried inside her. It was a life-threatening time for her to be abandoned. Thanks to the compassion from her neighbors, Alice had food for four days. Once these kind strangers realized that no one was coming back for her, they called Animal Control, and it was in the nick of time.

By |2021-08-24T09:41:18-05:00July 14th, 2021|

Featured Adoptable Pet: Aja

First thing you might notice about four-year-old Calico Aja is her beauty, but make no mistake. Aja has the fight to survive. Rescued from homelessness in West Virginia, this stunning cat was pregnant when she arrived to us. We didn’t know how critical being in the safety of Animal League America’s Nursery would be for her. Aja’s delivery was complicated when one of her six kittens became stuck in her birth canal.

By |2021-08-17T08:22:14-05:00July 7th, 2021|
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