Why Adopt? Adoption vs. Pet Store

With Pet Adoption, You Find Your New Best Friend and You Save a Life.

Tragically, 2,000,000 animals are destroyed each year in the U.S.  That’s a shocking and little-known statistic. As the world’s largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization, we continuously take animals out of harm’s way—whether it’s rescuing them from other shelters where they would be destroyed; pulling them out of national emergency areas, saving them from the perils of puppy mills and so many other places where they would be abused or euthanized.

What’s a Mutt-i-gree®?

Adoptable animals are often mixed breed pets, animals that we call Mutt-i-grees®, and when it comes time to obtain a pet, unique, healthy shelter animals are an amazing choice.

Say NO to Pet Stores

We’re able to save nearly 18,000 animals each year because caring people like you say NO to buying puppies and kittens from pet stores, and open their hearts and home to a remarkable shelter pet.

What’s so bad about a Puppy Mill?

When someone buys a puppy or kitten from a pet store, they’re unknowingly supporting Puppy Mills, which are large-scale breeding operations that put profit ahead of animal welfare. Female breeding dogs are forced to produce litter after litter until they can no longer breed—at which point they risk destruction. Many puppy mill dogs have never been out of their cages, have never felt grass under their feet—never been hugged in a way that makes them know that they’re cared for. By saying NO to a pet store pet, you’re saying NO to animal cruelty.

Adopt a cat or dog today.

By |2019-12-30T16:10:52-05:00April 28th, 2015|

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