Moving Forward to a Brighter Future

Her entire life, Purry only knew the safety of a loving home and family. Suddenly, it was all ripped away. Purry’s owners packed up and left the country, leaving their sweet-natured, eight-year-old female cat behind — abandoned and alone. A real estate agent surrendered Purry to North Hempstead Animal Shelter where we rescued her, and we brought her to our Bianca’s Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center (BFF).

Sadly, this is a situation we see all too often. Family pets are cruelly tossed aside when their owners relocate, and are left to fend for themselves or be euthanized. Purry was initially a little shell-shocked when she arrived at BFF. Sylvia Ottaka, Senior Director of Rescue & Community Outreach, explains, “It can be hard at first for older cats to adjust to a shelter environment when their life has been turned upside down so quickly.”

North Shore Animal League America won’t let any animal be left behind, no matter what their age or condition. Your support helps give Purry a second chance for the care she deserves and a family who appreciates her.

Thankfully BFF provides a natural, cage-free atmosphere to help cats acclimate and allow their true natures to emerge. Purry soon became very affectionate with her handlers and enjoyed being the center of attention. “There are so many advantages to adopting an older cat,” notes Sylvia. “You know what kind of personality you are getting from the start. And they really seem to understand what you have done for them. Their bond to you is even stronger because of it.”

Sweet Purry didn’t have to wait long for her new beginning to start. This charming girl quickly wrapped the McDonough family around her little paw. Now settled into her forever home, Purry’s new owners exclaim: “She fit right in since day one! Purry acts like a young kitten who loves to explore, and enjoys taking turns sleeping on everyone’s beds.” They are so happy that they made Purry part of their family, and Purry has reminded us once again that senior pets still have a lot of love left to give.

Purry at home, getting all the love she deserves from her new human siblings.


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