Help Keep Buster’s Heart Beating
As Buster romps around like any puppy his age, he is blissfully unaware that without surgery, he will likely die from cardiac arrest. Fortunately, the veterinary team at North Shore Animal League America knows, and can help. Buster’s heart is in our hands — and yours. Together we can give this precious pup the care he needs to survive.

Rescued from Louisiana, Buster is a three-month-old, Basset Hound mix with an irresistibly squishy face and loveable nature. According to Dr. Gerard Laheney, Senior Veterinarian at Animal League America, “When Buster first came in, we noticed he had a very loud heart murmur. You could even feel it on his chest.” We had Buster examined by a cardiologist, who confirmed a diagnosis of severe pulmonic stenosis. That means the pulmonic valve of Buster’s heart is very narrow, and causes his heart to work inefficiently.
“The recommended procedure for this condition is called a balloon valvuloplasty,” explains Dr. Laheney. “That’s where a catheter gets introduced to the heart. We then open the catheter to expand the valve, so that Buster’s blood can flow normally.” For the surgery to be performed, however, Buster must be a few months older so his heart will be more fully grown.

Buster is safe and being cared for in a foster home until he is ready for his surgery. He’s not in any pain — but does want to run and explore just like any puppy — so he requires watchful monitoring. Left untreated, Buster’s condition would be a death sentence. As a member of our Help Me Heal Program, Buster will receive the attention and treatment he needs to make his heart strong.
We need your help to keep Buster’s heart beating so he can grow into a happy, healthy dog who enjoys an active life as a loyal companion to a responsible, loving family.