Help Me Heal®

Help Me Heal®2021-09-08T09:02:43-05:00

Every day, the Animal League rescues animals from places where they would otherwise be destroyed, and our no-kill philosophy means that we give each animal the care they need – the care and the second chance that they deserve. Some pets come to us with urgent medical needs ranging from broken bones, skin burns or infections necessitating critical care, to other orthopedic or medical issues requiring surgical intervention. Some animals also come to us with deep emotional scars due to neglect and mistreatment.

Please make a donation today to our Help Me Heal Program, and help us nurture many more animals back to health.

Featured Story: Help Buster Heal

As Buster romps around like any puppy his age, he is blissfully unaware that without surgery, he will likely die from cardiac arrest. Fortunately, the veterinary team at North Shore Animal League America knows, and can help. Buster’s heart is in our hands — and yours. Together we can give this precious pup the care he needs to survive. Read Full Story

More Help Me Heal Stories

Recently rescued by Animal League America, this multi-generational trio of Boston Terriers is in need of emergency medical treatment. Six-year-old Sweetheart, one-year-old River, and three-month-old Winston share the same lineage and are all suffering from the same life-threatening, hereditary condition.
This sweet, gentle, six-year-old Lab mix needs much more than our love and affection to heal her. Rescued from possible euthanasia in Louisiana, Ash first suffered the loss of her family who surrendered her, and then we discovered Ash had a life-threatening heart condition.
Doctors had originally planned to do a surgical debridement to clean out Rooney’s paw and remove any damaged or infected tissue as a result of his severe frostbite. Instead they opted for a different approach that would allow Rooney to heal without surgical intervention.
Katara was the smallest in the litter of six puppies, and as her siblings took to nursing from their mom right away, Katara had to be coaxed and prodded to even try. Katara was surely the runt of the litter, and was not gaining weight or showing any progress during her early days. The staff at our Pet Health Centers decided to separate her from the other pups and hand-feed her. While Katara started putting on weight, she didn’t seem to be progressing in other areas – such as standing or walking – and seemed lethargic and lame.
Under our care, Mochaccino has been making great progress and is unrecognizable as the tiny kitten who arrived unable to stand. Mochaccino was diagnosed with a spinal injury, and has been responding very well to physical therapy. Today he is not just able to stand, he’s also able to play!
When Eddie, a young Miniature Pinscher mix, arrived at our Port Washington, N.Y. campus on a Mobile Rescue Unit from Georgia, it was obvious that there was something very wrong with his jaw — it was pushed to one side of his face and there were teeth protruding from his mouth that were way out of place. Somehow he must have found a way to eat and stay alive. The staff could only guess that he was in dreadful pain and they handled him gently.
The handsome, orange-and-white Tabby just lay on the pavement as the people approached. He couldn’t stand and didn’t even try — he’d given up. This precious boy was in a lot of pain, but he didn’t lash out, he just looked up at them as if asking for help.
Joey, a young Labrador Retriever/Beagle mix, was found alone and in pain on the streets of Tennessee. Weak and severely malnourished, he was struggling to just stay alive. Luckily, a Good Samaritan took Joey in and contacted Rescue Dog, North Shore Animal League America’s partner shelter, who immediately picked him up, and reached out to our Rescue Team for help.
Sushi, the adorable kitten rescued in Brooklyn, with multiple leg fractures had been doing well. Here splints had been removed and she was even walking around her cage. But then Sushi stopped walking completely. “Sushi was doing great — all four fractures had healed and she had been walking. Then suddenly she was acutely not able to walk,” said Dr. Verdino. “We x-rayed her and she had broken both of her femurs near her hips. We also noted what looks like a healing fracture lower down in one of the femurs.”
After being in our care for three months recovering from multiple surgeries, Puffin was finally ready for a home of her very own. She was transferred over to Bianca’s Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center where she didn't wait long before finding her purr-fect match.
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