Pit Stop Program

Pit Stop Program2019-11-05T16:52:43-05:00

Have you considered having your Pit Bull spayed or neutered?

This simple procedure can help your animal live a longer, healthier and happier life and save you the expense and inconvenience of treating medical issues as your pet ages. Our Pit Stop Program offers all Queens, Nassau & Suffolk County residents who own a Pit Bull the opportunity to have them spayed or neutered FOR ONLY $85!

Pets who are spayed or neutered have a far lower incidence of many illnesses, including deadly cancers. They also don’t contribute to the problem of overpopulation, which results in the destruction of more than 4 million healthy, adoptable animals in U.S shelters every year.


  • Spay or neuter surgery
  • Pre-surgical exam
  • Rabies vaccination
  • Heartworm test
  • E-collar and pain medication

These services would typically cost  $400 or even more at most private veterinary facilities. All services are performed at North Shore Animal League America’s Pet Health Centers.

Call SpayUSA at 1-800-248-7729 for more details.

Be part of the solution and have your Pit Bull spayed or neutered today!

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