When Less Adoptable Means More Lovable
Getting by with a little help from good friends.
At the age of 14, Ringo is an elder, and as we all know, with age come issues: he has a kidney condition that requires a special diet, which he loves. He’s also on the cat-tankerous side, meaning he prefers to be the only cat in the room — a one-man band, you might say. Plus, Ringo is declawed. Ouch! — so much for that new drum set I was going to buy him.
What all those adopters miss about Ringo is his sweetness, the va-va-voom in his strut, and the meaningful meows of wisdom he’s always eager to share. In the world of animal rescue, Ringo is one of the “less-adoptables,” which means, of course, I love him!
I’ve never met Ringo in the furry flesh but based on his fabulous headshots and all of my instincts about felines — plus the rave reviews from his legions of fans at the shelter — he is one very special kitty, as in a cat with special needs who is extra special to boot.
I celebrate Ringo today because he and other special-needs pets have a week coming up dedicated to them and only them: September 20-26 is Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week. As you know, I have a soft spot for cats and kittens with special needs, because in my opinion, everyone shares one very special need: the need to be loved.
My colleagues at North Shore Animal League America (NSALA) love the less-adoptables, too. Ringo had been dumped at a municipal shelter at age 13 when the heroes at NSALA came to his rescue. In fact, NSALA’s no-kill mission means refuge and care to animals regardless of their age, medical condition, or physical challenges. Way back in 1997, NSALA created the Pet Sponsorship Program, a monthly donation plan so people can help provide ongoing care for special-needs animals. Even after they’re adopted, their medical needs continue to be covered, as are Ringo’s.
So let me introduce you to…three of Ringo’s special-needs bandmates: Apollonia, Toby, and Zuke. These sweeties are still awaiting adoption, but even if you can’t adopt them, you can help them through the Pet Sponsorship program. Find out more at animalleague.org/sponsor.

tremendously improved, Apollonia has become a regal beauty, delivering loud “pigeon purrs” and headbutts to her people. She prefers to be a single cat and loves the peace and quiet of sharing office space with NSALA’s volunteer manager, though of course she’d like a home
of her own.

foster mom says Toby is completely lovable and enjoys long morning walks in a nearby park where he can run and roll in the grass. And when he’s anxious, his anxiety vest immediately calms him down.

Zuke was named after a man who helped with that rescue and, with his wife, has adopted several special-needs cats of his own. He is also a longtime member of Team Animal League…which reminds me, NSALA’s Team Animal League is currently gearing up for its fundraising run in the New York City Marathon’s 50th Anniversary event on November 7.
This brings back so many wonderful memories. I actually started this annual fundraiser for NSALA when I decided to run the marathon in 2008 when I assembled a team of 20 runners to join me. That was the year Howard and I got married, and since running the marathon had been on my bucket list since I moved to New York, I decided to commit, train, and have NSALA benefit.
I was so proud to be able to raise nearly $300,000 for the animals. (All our wedding gifts that year were donations to NSALA as well!) I trained for six months, and although it was a challenge for me, it was really one of the best experiences of my life!

I will never forget the feeling I had crossing the finish line with Howard and his daughter Ashley waiting for me…4 hours and 15 mins after I began! That’s just under 9-3/4 minutes a mile. Better than I’d ever hoped!! It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me, one that I strongly endorse!
So if you’re up for the challenge, there’s still time to register for this year’s event, or you can take part by sponsoring the Team. You can find more details at animalleague.org/marathon.
Speaking of winning teams, I have my personal team waiting for me every morning when I wake up: Team Stern, aka our resident cats. I want to share their very special stories.

Mooshu Peaches, aka “The Moosh,” a gorgeous longhaired Calico, was found by one of my IG followers in her parents’ yard. She was about five months old and in heat when she came to us, and she reminded me of my childhood kitty, Lizzie. Our beautiful Moosh loves Howard but does not like me, LOL, although we have made a little progress! She and Walter have become inseparable, as you
can see in the photo above.


P.S. Here’s a way to share YOUR experiences as a special-pet parent. If you’ve adopted a senior or special-needs animal companion, post your story on your social media to promote special adoptions and educate/inform your friends and the public. I also hope you’ll visit NSALA’S The Mutt-i-grees® Rescue Pets Family Album and tell your special story there. This charming site is open to everyone and provides a fun way for people to share stories and inspire each other, whether their pets came from shelters, rescue groups, the streets, or from people who no longer wanted them.