Saves Lives in Three Easy Steps

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Step 2

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Step 3

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Select a Gift
The Gift of Play

The Gift of Play

Your $10 donation will provide one dog toy and one cat toy for Mutt-i-grees® patiently awaiting adoption. Play is a valuable, stimulating gift our pets give us every day. Return the favor by helping a shelter dog and cat rediscover joy.
The Gift of Belonging

The Gift of Belonging

Your $15 donation will supply a dog or cat with a collar and leash, the perfect symbols of the protective, loving connection between people and their dogs. Housecats, too, if trained to enjoy a leash and harness, can safely explore the great outdoors with their human companions.
The Gift of a Healthy Heart

The Gift of a Healthy Heart

Your $25 donation will supply a lifesaving heartworm test for a dog or a cat. Heartworm is a serious parasitc disease that, if left untreated, can be fatal. Your donation will provide the first step in diagnosing this awful disease and sparing an innocent animal unnecessary suffering.
The Gift of a Healthy Future

The Gift of a Healthy Future

Your $50 donation will vaccinate a pet against life-threatening diseases like distemper, rabies, parvovirus, canine hepatitis, and feline upper respiratory conditions. By helping prevent these diseases, you'll make our wonderful Mutt-i-grees healthier, happier, and more adoptable.
The Gift of Pampering

The Gift of Pampering

Your $75 donation will provide grooming care for our dogs and cats, many of whom have never known gentle, caring human hands. You'll help these pets become comfortable in their own skin, while also addressing painful issues like fur matting and infections.
The Gift of Wellness

The Gift of Wellness

Your $100 donation means that a dog or cat will experience all the necessary preventatives, including tick, flea, and heartworm prevention. In addition, you'll help us provide ongoing shelter for a pet, along with all the emotional and physical benefits that come from loving attention, a steady stream of TLC, and a wide range of health and behavioral experts at the ready.
The Gift of a Happy "Smile"

The Gift of a Happy "Smile"

Your $200 donation will cover a comprehensive dental exam and cleaning. Oral health is crucial for the overall wellbeing of both dogs and cats - just as it is for us. Your gift will address the neglect so many of our Mutt-i-grees have endured - and end the pain of gum disease, abscesses, and other agonizing conditions that affect not only health, but also behavior and temperament.
The Gift of 'Fixing' for the Future

The Gift of 'Fixing' for the Future

Your $300 donation to spay or neuter one pet will, in fact, prevent the suffering of thousands of animals. Every year, untold millions of adoptable dogs and cats die in overcrowded shelters, on busy streets and highways, and from abuse and abandonment. Your donation will not only improve the health of one individual animal, it will also prevent generations of his/her offspring from contributing to the misery of pet overpopulation.
The Gift of Urgent Care

The Gift of Urgent Care

Your $500 donation will enable us to address the immediate needs of the dogs and cats who come to us in critical condition. Whether they're abuse victims, puppy mill survivors, or are suffering from life-threatening conditions, these critically ill pets deserve the best hospitalization and advanced treatment possible. When time and expertise are of the essence, you'll know that you saved a life in peril!
The Gift of Rescue, Nurture, and Adopt

The Gift of Rescue, Nurture, and Adopt

Your $1,000 donation will prepare a homeless pet for adoption, from rescue to transport, from evaluation and grooming to dental care, from spay/neuter, vaccinations, and preventive care to foster care...and ultimately, to a responsible loving home. Your single donation will transform the life of a precious dog or cat as he/she embarks on the lifesaving journey from loneliness to loved. Thank you for your commitment to our work. You truly make a difference.
The Gift of Life Itself

The Gift of Life Itself

Your $2,500 donation will make the ultimate lifesaving difference for as many as 50 puppies and kittens. Because of your generosity, we will be able to transport dozens of precious lives from high-kill, out-of-state shelters — where they face euthanasia — to the nurturing safety of our no-kill adoption center.
The Gift of A Miraculous Fresh Start

The Gift of A Miraculous Fresh Start

You can give freedom and hope to dozens of animals in an emergency rescue transport or a puppy mill rescue. By funding just one of these rescues, you’ll help desperate animals become the loved pets they were meant to be.